Class | Description |
AnnotatedClassScanner |
APT visitor used to scan whole tree of classes referenced from class on which is visitor
AnnotatedTypeElementScanner |
APT visitor used to scan whole tree of classes referenced from class on which is visitor
ClassAnnotationChecker |
APT visitor used to check if visited type is annotated with annotation (or meta-annotation) given as parameter.
ClassReferenceChecker |
APT visitor used to scan visited class and check if visited class references some given class.
DeepTypeElementScanner |
APT visitor used to scan whole tree of classes referenced from class on which is visitor
initiated, including all super classes and classes referenced via @XmlSeeAlso annotation.
EnumerationScanner |
APT visitor used to scan whole tree of classes referenced from class on which is visitor
XmlSeeAlsoTypeElementScanner |
APT visitor used to scan whole tree of classes referenced from class on which is visitor
initiated and also classes referenced via @XmlSeeAlso annotation.