Interface | Description |
UESMongoEntityRepository<T,ID extends java.io.Serializable> |
The common UES Repository parent for all DAOs that use the Mongo for its realization.
UESMongoReadPreference |
ReadPreference specifies preferred replica set members to which a query or command can be sent.
UESMongoTemplate |
Mongo template with additional support for paging.
UESMongoWriteConcern |
WriteConcern control the acknowledgment of write operations with various options.
Class | Description |
UESMongoTemplate.PagedList<T> |
Result of paged query.
Enum | Description |
UESMongoDBRTException.E05H4 |
Error codes of UESMongoDBRTException.
Exception | Description |
UESMongoDBRTException |
Encapsulates platform dependent errors thrown caused by Mongo DB.